Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day Two

This morning (Tuesday, November 24) Alexis and I met at the FOX studios in Chicago to appear on "Good Morning Chicago" as our Miss Illinois USA and Miss Teen Illinois USA Debut!! We were both really excited to be there and see how the television studio was run. Everyone was really nice and asked us lots of questions, then before we knew it, it was time to go on the air!

They interviewed us live, so we had to be very conscious of what we were saying. Somehow I didn't get nervous at all! It was great! I knew Alexis was scared but I tried to let her talk so I wouldn't take over the show. For as nervous as she was she did an OUTSTANDING job. I'm so proud of her! Plus, I know how much I can talk once I get excited and I didn't want to over-power her!! She did great. I think the segment ended up going really well and it was a wonderful first experience for both of us. My mom found someone who was able to tape it and burn it to a DVD for us so now we'll get to keep it forever! It was exciting too because they showed a little clip from when I was announced as the winner, and I didn't get to see that yet. In fact, I was so shocked and excited when that happened that the whole memory itself is kind of blacked out from my brain -- it was nice to be able to live it again from the video.


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